Saturday, October 25, 2008

In a Teacher’s World – Literally!

This is a brand-new blog dedicated to the musings, aspirations, experiences, frustrations, mistakes, laughs, cries, heartaches, jubilations, disappointments and – of course – turning points of a teacher in the name of myself.

You might be saying to yourself: “You mean teachers go through the motions that every other ‘normal’ human being goes through?”

With a bland face, I emphatically say to you: “Yes, they do.” Teachers are like any other human being. But some people think otherwise.

Maybe what makes them think otherwise is the fact that most of us teachers carry overstretched patience levels with us wherever we go. So, we take long (at least just a little bit longer than the “normal” human being) to get annoyed. This is an art that teachers have to learn in the course of time.

Be that as it may, overstretched patience levels are not the best things to carry around. When the whole shebang snaps and gives, the dust left in its wake is not something you’d be proud to write home about.

In this blog we are going to look at this and so much more. So keep it here.